Sovereignty Herbs Empathy - Queen of the Prairie

Next up in the Clinical Craft Series: PCOS & OVARIAN WELLNESS with Ayo Ngozi, Thursday, 3/13 7PM EST ~ Click here for more info!

Empathy - Queen of the Prairie

Pink queen of the prairie flowers
Flower essence bottle shown for size scale

Empathy - Queen of the Prairie

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The word ‘empathy’ has only been with the English language since the early 1900s when it was modeled on the German word ‘einfühlung’ (from ein "in" + Fühlung "feeling"), which was coined by German philosopher Rudolf Lotze (1817-1881) as a translation of the Greek ‘empatheia’ meaning "passion, state of emotion”. In English, ‘empathy’ quickly became a term within the theory of art appreciation to denote inner sympathy or sympathetic projection. In this regard, ‘empathy’ was used to define that a viewer’s ability to appreciate art was dependent on their ability to project their personality into the viewed object - to see themselves within it.

In modern English parlance, the word ‘empathy’ has expanded beyond art appreciation theory to find its place as a quality of human perception of others (animal, human, nature itself) and the ability to ‘walk in another’s shoes’. However, rarely is this term used by an individual in reference to the viewership of themselves. To look upon one’s own body or to listen to one’s own story with empathy primed in the senses, is not a skill that is often practiced. Indeed it is arguably easier to practice empathy towards others than it is towards oneself.

Standing boldly but softly in the landscape, Queen of the Prairie (Filipendula rubra) is a mecca for pollinators. The species spreads most prolifically by creeping roots under the surface of the soil. However, in its drive to move and expand, it does so in a manner that never seems to impede the success of those species that surround it. It is delicate and humble in its approach to being in the world, yet self-assured enough to stand tall and shine authentically with its hot pink, fluffy blossoms of unparalleled beauty. We created a flower essence from Queen of the Prairie (Filipendula rubra) for those who need to learn the skill of ‘walking in another’s shoes’ or sharing in the feelings of others without getting lost in them. However, this essence is also for those struggling to view an aspect of themselves with appreciation, kindness, and compassion and who need a little support in the cultivation of self-empathy as a path to authenticity.

Ingredients: Alcohol (brandy), flower essence.