Sovereignty Herbs Set 3 - Empathy, Hope, Awareness, Compassion, Illumination, Impulsion

Next up in the Clinical Craft Series: PCOS & OVARIAN WELLNESS with Ayo Ngozi, Thursday, 3/13 7PM EST ~ Click here for more info!

Set 3 - Empathy, Hope, Awareness, Compassion, Illumination, Impulsion

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Set 3 - Empathy, Hope, Awareness, Compassion, Illumination, Impulsion

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This hand-crafted selection contains one .13 fl oz/4 mL bottle of each of these six native flower essences:

Queen of the Prairie (Filipendula rubra): This essence is for those deeply impacted by other people's energy, who need to learn the skill of sharing in the feelings of others without being lost in them. For those learning to walk in another's shoes.

Wild Geranium (Geranium maculatum): If you have difficulty making decisions or have difficult decisions to make, this essence will lend you strength. For those who have trouble 'taking action' without the permission of others.

Ox Eye Sunflower (Heliopsis helianthoides): This essence opens awareness of energies surrounding you, allowing you to filter out negative or unwanted distractions. Teaches you how to defend your gates against those forces that might influence your decisions and behaviors.

Swamp Rose Mallow (Hibiscus grandiflorus): This essence allows you to see the best in yourself and others. Quiets the negative self-talk in your head, and opens your heart and mind to how others experience the world.

Spotted St. John’s (Hypericum punctatum): This essence provides a light for those in darkness. It is intended for those who have lost the way and are searching for it, or those emerging from the depths who need help in their transition back to the wider world.

Jewelweed (Impatiens capensis): This essence encourages you to slow down and make more thoughtful decisions. For those learning to 'think things through.' Helps limit impulsive actions that might have a negative impact on your life.

Ingredients: Alcohol (brandy), flower essence.