Sovereignty Herbs Set 1 - Purpose, Overwhelm, Inhibition, Selflessness, Kinship, Humility

Next up in the Clinical Craft Series: PCOS & OVARIAN WELLNESS with Ayo Ngozi, Thursday, 3/13 7PM EST ~ Click here for more info!

Set 1 - Purpose, Overwhelm, Inhibition, Selflessness, Kinship, Humility

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Set 1 - Purpose, Overwhelm, Inhibition, Selflessness, Kinship, Humility

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This hand-crafted selection contains one .13 fl oz/4 mL bottle of each of these six native flower essences:

Black Cohosh (Actaea racemosa): If you feel you are on the wrong path, or are uncertain about next steps, this essence gives you the gumption needed to take on a road less traveled.

Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis): If you are feeling lost in the woods, overcome by the demands of the world around you, and paralyzed into indecision, let this essence cam the panic and clear your mind.

Spikenard (Aralia racemosa): This essence will help you to loosen up and feel more relaxed in your body and mind. For those who are seeking to break free from restrictive or rigid though processes.

Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca): This essence helps keep a little in reserve for those who are always putting the needs of others first. Reminds you to care for yourself. If you have trouble saying ‘no,’ this essence will also lend support to your sacrifices.

Butterfly Weed (Asclepias tuberosa): This essence helps support stronger relationships. For those who feel isolated and are attempting to build supportive connections, or those trying to redefine the concept of 'family.'

Blue False Indigo (Baptisia australis): If you need help taming ego projections and developing better listening skills, this essence lets you recognize your own privilege and its impact on others.

Ingredients: Alcohol (brandy), flower essence.